The Goode Life by Isla Olsen

ā˜… ā€“ 4/5

šŸŒ¶ļøā€“ 3/5

I listened to this MM romance series of four books while I was working, so I have no quotes to share from the book, but I felt like I needed to share them here nonetheless.


Twelve years ago, I thought I had everything figured out: Iā€™d go off to college, get my marketing degree, come back to my charming little hometown of Finchley in Californiaā€™s Gold Country, help my high school sweetheart build his carpentry business, and live happily ever afterā€¦

Ha! Thatā€™s teenage naivety for you.

Instead, on the eve of my college departure, Slater Goode (henceforth known as The Devil) ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped all over it. Figuratively.

But I donā€™t care about that anymore. At. All. I have a great life in Chicagoā€¦ I mean, things arenā€™t exactly rosy right now, what with my boyfriend slash boss cheating on me, and then losing my job over that little vandalism incidentā€¦ But thatā€™s just a blip. Things will get better. They have to. Iā€™ll be damned if Iā€™ll be returning home to Finchley with my tail between my legs.

But then I get some news: The Devilā€™s grandfather, whom I love as if he were my own, has passed away in a tragic mishap of the coital nature, and missing his funeral is not an option.

Despite my desperate prayers, when I return home Iā€™m appalled to find The Devil has not been the victim of some disfiguring flesh-eating disease. Nope, if anything heā€™s even hotter. And heā€™s sweet, and funny, and everything I remember falling for back in high school. But heā€™s still The Devil who shattered my heart and thereā€™s no way Iā€™ll give him the chance to do it again.

Exes with benefits, though? Now that could be an ideaā€¦

Come visit Finchley, CA, where the sunā€™s always shining, the locals are always gossiping, and you wonā€™t walk two steps without bumping into a member of the Goode family. If youā€™re lucky, you might find gold; or, even betterā€¦true love.


My little brother is getting married and I couldnā€™t be happierā€¦

Well, maybe I could if I hadnā€™t just been dumped by the boyfriend I thought was about to propose, kicked out of my New York apartment, and, worst of all, lost one of the pediatric patients under my care at the hospital where I work as a nurse.

With the current sh*tstorm that is my life, who could blame me for going a little overboard on the cocktails at the bachelor weekend in Vegas?

Me. I could blame me. Especially when I wake up with the hangover from hell and the memory of marrying my arch-nemesis, Webster Goode, in a ceremony caught on camera by the reality show Real Vegas Weddings.

Thereā€™s only one clear path forward: get through my brotherā€™s wedding, get an annulment, and get back to New York and my normal life. All without anyone finding out what Web and I did in Vegas.

But it turns out correcting that big mistake wonā€™t be as easy as Iā€™d first thought, and keeping our secret from the Finchley gossip machine could be damn near impossibleā€¦

The truth is, the more time I spend with Web, the more I start to realize there might be a very thin line between love and hateā€¦


I have one rule when it comes to my sex life: I only hook up with guys who identify as straight. Itā€™s a tried and tested way of avoiding the cling factor, which Iā€™ve found to be a huge problem in the past. A one-night stand with a curious ā€˜straightā€™ guy is the perfect situation: no strings, no mess, no dodging unwanted texts and phone calls.

Is it the most healthy way to handle my commitment issues? Probably not, but itā€™s what Iā€™ve got right now.

Of course, thereā€™s one straight guy whoā€™s completely off-limits. And because ironyā€™s a bitch, heā€™s the one guy I just canā€™t stop thinking aboutā€¦

George Goode is sweet, charming, hilarious, and sexy as hell. And heā€™s also become one of my best friends since I moved to the tiny town of Finchley about a year ago.

But letā€™s make one thing clear: I do not have feelings for him. I donā€™t get feelings. Iā€™m not wired that way. I just think about him all the time, I miss him when heā€™s not around, and I seem to spend a lot of my time daydreaming about snuggling on Sunday mornings and visiting famers markets together. All totally, one hundred percent normal stuff to be thinking about one of your best friendsā€¦right?

Youā€™d think, given everything, that when George decides to express a little curiosity, Iā€™d be a hundred percent on board. But for some reason itā€™s not quite as simple as all thatā€¦


There are certain rules of friendship that are pretty much written in

1. Donā€™t hit on your buddyā€™s girl

2. Back your buddy up when he gets into a bar fight

3. Bail your buddy out when he gets hauled in by the sheriff for ā€˜requisitioningā€™ a pair of goats. Helping your buddyā€™s kid brother lose his virginity? ā€¦yeah, thatā€™s not on the list. It starts as a simple favor. Now that heā€™s home from college, my best friendā€™s brother Tucker needs a place to stay and I happen to have a spare room. Then it becomes a confession. Tucker tells me heā€™s a virgin. And heā€™s on a mission to swipe that V card once and for all. Ultimately, it turns into a challenge. While Tucker searches for the perfect guy to pop his cherry, I find myself growing more and more agitated with the situation. I know why, of course. Heā€™s my best friendā€™s brother, a kid Iā€™ve watched grow up; itā€™s perfectly normal for me to want to protect him from all the assholes and users targeting him via his way-too-many dating apps. It has nothing to do with the strange way my stomach seems to flip at the sight of his smile, or that the sound of his voice somehow makes me tingly all over. Or that I canā€™t seem to stop thinking about what it would be like to run my hands over his body. Nothing at allā€¦

Okay so, these are some short stories, only around 4 hours of audio each, and it was exactly what I was looking for. I love listening to something short, sweet and funny when I’m working, and these books checked all the boxes. I was actually surprised just how good they were, but they are just that, easy, sweet and funny reads.

I don’t remember the last time books made me laugh this much, and my kids probably thought that I was lost in delulu land, sitting here laughing with my headphones on. George, one of the characters and one of the Goode boys, was HILARIOUS throughout all of the books.

We’re also going through all the sweet tropes in each book:

ā„ #1 – ex-lover to lovers / second chance

ā„ #2 – enemies to lovers / discovery of sexuality

ā„ #3 – best friends to lover / bi-awakening

ā„ #4 – best friend’s brother / roommates to lovers / bi-awakening

I read the other reviews for these books and I saw a lot of negativity about one big part of the books – the town’s Facebook group. You get to know so many characters from the little town through their interactions in the group, and almost every chapter begins with a piece from the FB group. I didn’t mind it at all, I thought it was funny and gave the books some life. You know those small towns where everyone knows each other’s business and gossips, that’s what this Facebook group is all about, and it’s just a nice addition, at least in my opinion.

The books are low on angst and high on sweetness, guaranteed happy endings ā™„

That is all. I highly recommend these books, if you’re looking for something fast and sweet šŸ˜‰

One response to “The Goode Life by Isla Olsen”

  1. Miss C. Avatar
    Miss C.

    Was definitely worth the listen, made me laugh out loud many times tooā¤ļøšŸ˜‚ Thanks for recommending!


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