Coaching Prince Charming by Hayden Hall

ARC Review

Arctic Titans of Northwood U #7

Not suitable for anyone under 18 years of age.


He’s my first and only crush. He’s my new coach. Oh, and he was once my dad’s teammate and best friend.

I’ve been in love with Nate Partridge since I can remember. Under my mattress, there has always been a stack of magazine covers with his bare torso and a pearly smile. But that’s about the extent of it.

I can never have Nate Partridge. He is a straight guy and twenty years my senior. Neither of which is a dealbreaker for me, but he disagrees.

When a hockey accident forces him to retire, he takes the freshly vacant job of coaching the Arctic Titans. And my life takes an unexpected turn for the better.

Nate is the only person who has ever truly understood me. Where my father’s ambition dictates my every waking moment, Nate’s kindness and compassion make me feel like there’s more to life than hockey. Dad’s disregard for my passions makes Nate’s encouragement only sweeter.

And my crush reaches all new heights. Especially when I discover his deepest secret.

Nate Partridge is not straight.

But do I stand a chance? To him, I am nothing more than his old friend’s kid and a college freshman he’s in charge of training.

If I want Nate Partridge, it will take more than hope to make this real.

It’s time to shake things up in my life before I can make him mine.

❥ Dual POV ❥ MM Romance
❥ Age Gap ❥ Forbidden Relationship
❥ Dad’s Friend ❥ Coach x Hockey Player

Coaching Prince Charming is the 7th and final book in the Arctic Titans of Northwood U by Hayden Hall, and what a ride it has been!

It was immensely great to see the guys from the previous books again, it always gives me a feeling of coming home with series like this. It’s sad that this is goodbye, but all good things comes to an end, or whatever you say.

Nate and Carter’s story was incredibly sweet, and it actually took me by surprise just how sweet it was. It’s not just about finding love in a place you didn’t expect, but a story about two men who are trying to find themselves, even with almost 20 years between them. It was beautiful how they supported each other, and that was probably what I loved the most in the book.

Nate is starting a “new” life after the life he knew as a NFL hockey player came to an end, and he’s not happy. That’s how he ended up as the coach for the Arctic Titans, and that’s how he meets the young man with an old soul, Carter. Nate knows that it’s wrong to lust after a student, but Carter is not making it easy for Nate not to.

Carter is a guy who seemingly has it all. He’s insanely skilled at hockey, which has been his legacy from birth with having a famous hockey player as his dad. But everything is not as it seems, and Carter has other dreams that doesn’t involve hockey, well except for the man of his dreams who he has known from childhood, since he’s one of his dad’s friends, and now also Carter’s coach.

I’ll admit that I was a little ‘eek’ when I read that Carter is only 19 while Nate is 38, buuuut, I mean I wouldn’t want my own kid to do it, so I keep in mind that this is fictional, and love is love, and everyone deserves to be happy and all that. It helps that Carter is very mature, actually often more mature than Nate. Carter knew what he wanted and he wasn’t afraid to fight for it.

Their romance was pretty low angst despite everything they had against them, which wasn’t a bad thing at all.

The spice was… different. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book where a small 🍆 was praised like in this book. I liked it. Even though it caught me by surprise, and I was reading while brushing my teeth and did the whole…

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